• Shaking Up Tradition: The Case for More Excitement in Golf Tournaments

    Shaking Up Tradition: The Case for More Excitement in Golf Tournaments
    Waste Management Phoenix Open

    Welcome to Positive Energy Golf, where we’re breaking free from tradition to explore a topic that has been stirring in the minds of avid golf enthusiasts: Why aren’t more golf tournaments embracing the vibrant atmosphere of the Waste Management Phoenix Open?

    Unleashing the Energy:

    In most sports, the roar of the crowd is an integral part of the game – think football, baseball, and basketball. Fans passionately cheer for their teams, creating an electric ambiance that adds to the thrill of the competition. So, why does golf seem to be the exception? The standard hushed tones and quiet signs at golf tournaments have long been the norm, but is it time for a change?

    The Phoenix Open Paradigm:

    The Waste Management Phoenix Open has revolutionized the golfing experience by introducing stadium seating around par threes, where fans are not only permitted but encouraged to cheer and have a good time. It’s a game-changer that has redefined the spectator experience, injecting a new level of excitement into the sport. The question that arises: why isn’t this model more widespread?

    Breaking the Silence:

    Golf, once viewed as a gentleman’s game, has evolved. It’s not just about etiquette and decorum anymore; it’s a thrilling, competitive spectacle that captivates audiences worldwide. The argument against raucous cheering in golf often points to the need for concentration. However, considering the stationary nature of the golf ball during play, is the ‘quiet please’ protocol truly necessary?

    Entertainment for All:

    Attending a golf event is not a cost-free affair; it’s a form of entertainment for fans. With professionals earning millions, the game has transformed into a major sporting spectacle. So, why not enhance the spectator experience? Imagine the energy and enthusiasm that would ripple through the crowd, creating an unforgettable atmosphere for both fans and players.

    Embracing Change:

    As times change, so should traditions. It’s time for golf to shed its conservative image and embrace the evolution of spectatorship. Enthusiastic cheers, passionate applause, and a dynamic atmosphere can coexist with the integrity of the game. Golf has the potential to be not just a test of skill but a captivating entertainment experience for all.

    Conclusion: A New Era for Golf Spectatorship

    In the spirit of Positive Energy Golf, it’s time to break free from the shackles of tradition and usher in a new era for golf spectatorship. The quiet elegance of yesteryears, marked by ‘hush’ signs and restrained applause, may have had its place, but the golfing landscape is evolving, and so should our approach to enjoying the game.

    Imagine a golf tournament where the crowd becomes an active participant, where the energy is palpable, and the excitement contagious. The Waste Management Phoenix Open has shown us the potential for golf to be not just a sport but a thrilling spectacle that captivates fans and players alike. The stadium seating around par threes becomes a theater of emotions, with cheers echoing through the fairways and a vibrant camaraderie shaping the experience.

    In this new era, golf tournaments can be more than just a test of skill; they can be a celebration of the game’s beauty and drama. The professionals on the course are not just athletes; they are entertainers, and the spectators are not just observers; they are active participants in the unfolding narrative.

    As we envision this evolution, let’s challenge the notion that golf must remain a quiet and reserved affair. Let’s embrace the idea that the joy of the game can coexist with respect for the players and the integrity of the competition. The golfing world has transformed, and it’s time for the fan experience to transform with it.

    So, the next time you find yourself at a golf tournament, picture a sea of fans expressing their enthusiasm, creating an atmosphere that elevates the entire event. It’s time to bid farewell to the ‘quiet please’ era and welcome a new chapter where golf becomes a source of unbridled joy, where the cheers of the crowd become as much a part of the game as the swing of the club.

    In this era of change, let’s redefine what it means to be a golf fan. Let’s celebrate the sport, embrace the positive energy it brings, and pave the way for a future where golf tournaments are not just watched but experienced in all their exhilarating glory. The revolution is calling – are you ready to answer?

  • Unleashing Your Best Putt: The Impact of Fat Putter Grips on Your Game

    Unleashing Your Best Putt: The Impact of Fat Putter Grips on Your Game
    +ENERGY Golf SuperStroke Putter Grip

    Welcome to Positive Energy Golf, where we explore the latest trends and innovations in the golfing world to enhance your game and bring a positive vibe to your play. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the realm of putter grips, focusing on the rising trend of fat putter grips and their potential benefits. Join us on this journey as we discuss different sizes, compare popular brands, and guide you towards making the right choice for your putting game.

    The Evolution of Putter Grips:

    Traditionally, putter grips were thin and unobtrusive, but the landscape has shifted with the introduction of fat putter grips. These chunkier grips, often ranging from 1.0 to 3.0 in size, have gained popularity for their potential to improve putting performance by promoting a smoother stroke and minimizing wrist action.

    My Personal Journey:

    Embarking on my quest for the optimal putter grip, I ventured into the realm of SuperStroke grips. Initially drawn to the 3.0 size, I soon found myself questioning its fit and subsequently made the switch to the 1.0. As any golfer knows, individual preferences vary, and my journey underlines the significance of striking the delicate balance between comfort and functionality in this pursuit.

    Having spent a full season with the SuperStroke 1.0, I’m currently contemplating a return to the 3.0 for the upcoming season. Initially, the 3.0 seemed a tad too sizable, prompting the shift to the 1.0. However, after immersing myself in a season with the 1.0 grip, I’ve come to realize the unique feel that the larger grip provides, and I find myself yearning for that tactile sensation.

    Stay tuned for an upcoming update as I navigate this intriguing chapter of my golfing journey. The evolution of personal preferences and the dynamic nature of our relationship with equipment are constant themes in the ever-evolving game of golf. The journey continues, and the choice between the 2.0 and 3.0 is a decision that’s yet to be finalized.

    Comparing Different Sizes:

    Mastering the nuances of putter grip sizes is paramount in discovering the ideal fit for your game. SuperStroke’s offerings span from the slim 1.0 to the substantial 3.0, accommodating diverse preferences and hand sizes. Delving into these size options empowers golfers to zero in on the grip that harmonizes with their natural hold, subsequently amplifying control during crucial putts.

    In my personal experience, initially, the 3.0 felt somewhat oversized, prompting me to make the switch to the 1.0. However, upon reflection, I realize that my initial judgment might have been hasty. When transitioning from the standard putter grip to the jumbo 3.0, I lacked a comparative benchmark for the feel. Consequently, I recommend giving the fat grip – whether it be the 3.0 or another size – a full season before contemplating another switch. It’s important to allow time for adjustment and truly gauge the impact on your putting performance. After using the 1.0, I am reconsidering my decision and may opt to return to the 3.0 for the upcoming season. Your choice of grip can significantly influence your game, so take the time to find the right fit for your comfort and consistency. Just my two cents!

    Brand Face-Off: SuperStroke vs. Flat Cat vs. JumboMax:

    SuperStroke Putter Grips

    SuperStroke Putter Grips:

    Unlocking the Secrets Behind SuperStroke’s Popularity

    Many golfers gravitate towards SuperStroke putter grips, and for good reason. Let’s delve into the compelling features that make SuperStroke a preferred choice among golf enthusiasts.

    Enhanced Feel:

       – The contoured shape of SuperStroke grips provides golfers with a heightened sense of the club, translating into improved accuracy on the greens.

       – The tactile connection fosters a more intimate relationship between the golfer and the putter, offering unparalleled feedback with each stroke.

    Consistent Performance:

       – SuperStroke grips contribute to a more consistent grip, helping golfers eliminate variables that often result in errant shots.

       – The reliability in grip empowers golfers to approach each putt with confidence, knowing that their hold remains steadfast and predictable.

    Forgiving Design:

       – Boasting a larger diameter, SuperStroke grips excel in distributing weight evenly across the putter, enhancing forgiveness on off-center hits.

       – Golfers can experience a greater degree of forgiveness, mitigating the impact of slight mishits and promoting a smoother overall putting experience.

    Fatigue Reduction:

       – Crafted from a soft, rubbery material, SuperStroke grips are designed to absorb vibrations effectively.

       – This vibration absorption translates to less fatigue in the hands and arms during a round of golf, allowing golfers to maintain optimal control and focus from the first hole to the last.

    SuperStroke grips emerge not just as a choice for improved performance but as a holistic solution that addresses crucial aspects of a golfer’s experience. Elevate your game with SuperStroke, where enhanced feel, consistent performance, forgiving design, and fatigue reduction converge to redefine your putting prowess.

    Shop SuperStroke Putter Grips on Amazon: Click Here

    Flat Cat Putter Grips

    Flat Cat Putter Grips:

    The Flat Cat putter grip stands out not only for its size but also for its bold aesthetics, making a distinctive impression on the golf course. The size alone is enough to catch the eye, but the Flat Cat’s unique combination of white and neon green adds an extra element of flair. While this eye-catching design may resonate with some golfers, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, especially for those who prefer a more understated look and wish to avoid a barrage of inquiries like, “What is that grip?” One notable design feature is the black and green eye on the butt of the grip, adding a touch of personality to your putter.

    Feel and Performance:

    The Flat Cat putter grip provides a feel reminiscent of a SuperStroke grip. Its composition involves a soft material wrapped around a light foam core, creating a sensation that slightly dulls the feedback in your hands. This characteristic results in a putter that feels softer upon impact. Whether this is a positive or negative aspect depends on personal preference and the specific putter you currently use. Some golfers appreciate the softer feel for enhanced control, while others prefer a more immediate feedback.

    Size Variety:

    The Flat Cat is available in four sizes, catering to a range of preferences. From slightly larger than a standard grip to impressively substantial, the sizing options accommodate golfers with diverse hand sizes and preferences. The standard size closely aligns with the dimensions of the SuperStroke 2.0, providing a familiar feel for those accustomed to this popular grip.

    In summary, the Flat Cat putter grip not only distinguishes itself with a striking appearance but also offers a feel akin to SuperStroke grips. The range of sizes caters to individual preferences, allowing golfers to choose a size that suits their comfort and playstyle. Whether you’re drawn to its eye-catching design or enticed by its performance attributes, the Flat Cat is a compelling option in the ever-evolving world of putter grips.

    Shop Flat Cat Putter Grips on Amazon: Click Here

    JumboMax Putter Grips

    JumboMax Putter Grips:

    Enter the world of JumboMax putter grips, where bold design meets innovative performance. JumboMax grips have gained attention for their oversized profile, offering golfers a unique and distinctive experience on the green. Let’s explore the characteristics that set JumboMax apart in the realm of putter grips.

    Oversized Design:

    The most prominent feature of JumboMax putter grips is their oversized design. These grips boast a larger diameter compared to traditional options, providing golfers with a substantial grip surface. The goal is to minimize tension in the hands and wrists, promoting a more relaxed and comfortable putting stroke. The increased size aims to enhance stability and control, especially for golfers who find traditional grips too constricting.

    Enhanced Stability and Control:

    The JumboMax philosophy centers around stability and control. By distributing more weight throughout the grip, these oversized putter grips contribute to a more balanced feel during the putting stroke. This design feature is particularly beneficial for golfers seeking improved consistency and accuracy on the greens. The increased stability can mitigate the impact of slight mishits, offering a more forgiving experience.

    Unique Feel:

    JumboMax putter grips deliver a unique feel that sets them apart from standard grips. The larger size creates a distinctive tactile experience, allowing golfers to sense the clubhead’s movement with heightened awareness. While the feel may take some getting used to, many golfers appreciate the added feedback and control that the JumboMax grip provides.

    Choice of Sizes:

    JumboMax recognizes that golfers have varying preferences when it comes to grip size. Therefore, they offer different sizes within their lineup. Golfers can experiment with these sizes to find the perfect balance between comfort and performance, ensuring a personalized fit for their putting style.

    In conclusion, JumboMax putter grips represent a bold departure from traditional sizing, offering golfers a unique blend of comfort, stability, and control. Whether you’re intrigued by the oversized design or seeking a grip that reduces tension and promotes a smoother putting stroke, JumboMax grips invite you to explore a new dimension in putter performance.

    Shop JumboMax Putter Grips on Amazon: Click Here

    Making the Switch: Video Guide Changing Your Putter Grip:

    Ready to make the switch? To guide you seamlessly through the process, check out our video tutorial on how to change your putter grip at home. We’ll demonstrate the steps without the need for a vise, ensuring a hassle-free experience as you gear up for the upcoming season.


    Embrace the world of fat putter grips and elevate your putting game to new heights. Whether you opt for the SuperStroke, Flat Cat, or JumboMax, the key is to find a grip size and style that aligns with your personal preferences and enhances your overall putting performance. Subscribe to our blog today, and may your putts be as smooth as your journey toward positive golfing energy.

  • Harnessing Positive Energy: Embracing the End of Year Golf Season

    Harnessing Positive Energy: Embracing the End of Year Golf Season
    Positive Energy Golf: Embracing End Of Year Golf Season

    As the year draws to a close and the golf season nears its end, it’s a time for reflection, celebration, and anticipation for what lies ahead. The journey through the fairways and greens has been an eventful one, marked by victories, challenges, and an abundance of shared experiences. Positive Energy Golf invites you to embrace the closing chapter of this year’s golf season, and let’s explore what comes next.

    Reflecting on the Journey

    The end of the golf season is an opportune moment to look back and appreciate the strides made, both on and off the course. It’s a chance to reminisce on the beautiful shots, the rounds that challenged us, the sunny days, and even the occasional rain-soaked matches. More than the scores, it’s about the friendships forged, the lessons learned, and the personal growth experienced throughout the season.

    Reflect on the games where your perseverance was tested, and recall the moments where the thrill of competition was at its peak. Celebrate the victories, however small, as they all contribute to the tapestry of your golfing journey.

    Setting New Goals

    With the end of one season comes the promise of another. This period is perfect for setting new goals and intentions for the upcoming year. What aspects of your game do you wish to improve? Are there skills you’ve been meaning to develop or refine?

    Perhaps it’s time to focus on consistency, fine-tune your putting, or work on your mental game. Set realistic and achievable goals that will keep you motivated and excited for the next season.

    Off-Season Preparations

    The off-season presents an invaluable opportunity to work on your game. Use this time wisely to stay in shape, refine your techniques, and enhance your overall performance. Engage in physical conditioning to keep your body in prime golfing shape. Practice at indoor facilities, use simulators, or even consider lessons to bolster your skills.

    Additionally, this is a great time to take stock of your equipment. Assess your gear, replace worn-out items, and ensure everything is ready for the next season’s challenges.

    Embracing Community and Connection

    Golf is as much about the community as it is about the game. Use this season’s end to connect with fellow golf enthusiasts, share experiences, and plan for future outings. Consider joining off-season events, meet-ups, or participating in tournaments that keep the spirit of the game alive even in the colder months.

    Recharging and Refreshing

    The off-season is not only about honing your skills but also about recharging. Take this time to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy other activities. Spend quality time with family and friends, explore new hobbies, and nourish your overall well-being.

    Looking Forward with Optimism

    As one season ends, another one beckons with the promise of new opportunities, experiences, and growth. Embrace the end of year as a time for rejuvenation and renewal, and let the anticipation of the upcoming season fill you with positive energy.

    The end of a golf season isn’t a finale; it’s a transition to a new chapter. It’s an opportunity to continue the journey, armed with experiences, lessons, and a positive outlook. With each swing, each step, and each moment, let’s move forward with enthusiasm, ready to embrace what lies ahead on the greens.

    So, to all the golf enthusiasts out there, as this season draws to a close, let’s tee up for the next one, and remember – it’s not just a game; it’s an experience, a lifestyle, and a constant journey.

    Keep that positive energy flowing, and let’s make the next season one to remember!

    Happy golfing!

  • Golf Range Finders vs. Watches and Range Finder Apps: Who’s Winning the Battle on the Course?

    Golf Range Finders vs. Watches and Range Finder Apps: Who’s Winning the Battle on the Course?
    Golf Range Finder or Golf Watch

    Golf, often dubbed the game of precision, demands a keen eye and an even keener sense of distance. In the past, golfers relied heavily on their intuition and experience to estimate yardages and make crucial club selections. However, the ever-evolving world of technology has introduced a game-changer: the golf range finder. But is it still the reigning champ, or have golf watches and range finder apps stolen the spotlight? Join us as we explore this intriguing clash of golf tech titans and how they contribute to the positive energy on the golf course.

    The Traditionalists’ Trusty Sidekick: Golf Range Finders

    For years, golf range finders have been the go-to tool for golfers seeking precision. These handheld devices use laser or GPS technology to measure distances to various points on the course, helping players gauge the perfect yardage for their shots. The precision they offer has made them indispensable for many golfers, especially when navigating unfamiliar courses or tackling challenging hazards.

    Pros of Golf Range Finders:

    1. Accuracy: Golf range finders provide highly accurate distance measurements, helping golfers choose the right club for each shot with confidence.
    2. Ease of Use: They are user-friendly, with a simple point-and-shoot mechanism that gives instant feedback.
    3. No Need for Connectivity: Range finders work independently of any network or smartphone connection, making them reliable even in remote locations.
    4. Tournament-Approved: Many range finders are allowed in tournament play, making them a valuable asset for competitive golfers.

    The New Kids on the Block: Golf Watches and Range Finder Apps

    In recent years, golf watches and range finder apps have surged in popularity, offering golfers an alternative way to access essential distance information. These wearable gadgets and smartphone apps leverage GPS technology to provide yardage data and additional features, all conveniently available on your wrist or phone screen.

    Pros of Golf Watches and Range Finder Apps:

    1. Convenience: Golf watches and apps are always within reach, eliminating the need to carry an extra device.
    2. Multifunctional: They often offer features beyond distance measuring, such as score tracking, course mapping, and even swing analysis.
    3. Real-Time Updates: Apps can provide dynamic updates based on course conditions, helping golfers adapt on the fly.
    4. Cost-Effective: Compared to premium golf range finders, golf watches and apps tend to be more budget-friendly.

    The Verdict: A Harmonious Coexistence

    So, who’s winning the battle on the golf course? The truth is, there’s no clear victor. Golf range finders, watches, and apps each have their merits, and their popularity largely depends on individual preferences and needs.

    Some golfers cherish the simplicity and pinpoint accuracy of range finders, while others prefer the convenience and multifunctionality of watches and apps. Ultimately, it’s about choosing the right tool to enhance your game and create a positive golfing experience.

    Finding Your Perfect Companion

    In the end, whether you opt for a golf range finder, a watch, or an app, the key to harnessing positive energy on the golf course lies in how well you use these tools to improve your game. Experiment with different options, ask for recommendations from fellow golfers, and find the perfect companion to help you navigate the fairways with confidence and precision.

    Remember, the most critical factor in golf is your attitude and the positive energy you bring to the game. So, whether you’re old-school with a range finder or tech-savvy with a smartwatch, let your choice amplify your enjoyment of this wonderful sport. May your drives be long, your putts be true, and your golfing experiences always be filled with positivity.

  • Unleash the Fun: Best Ball vs. Scramble – A Guide to Elevate Your Golf Outings

    Unleash the Fun: Best Ball vs. Scramble – A Guide to Elevate Your Golf Outings

    Are you planning your next golf outing with friends and finding yourself torn between playing Best Ball or Scramble? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! Both these golf games offer unique challenges and enjoyable experiences for golfers of all skill levels. In this guide, we’ll delve into the key differences between Best Ball and Scramble, provide best practices for each, and offer some handy tips and tricks to make your golf day unforgettable.

    Best Ball: Precision and Teamwork

    In Best Ball, also known as Four-Ball, each player in a team plays their own ball throughout the entire round. At the end of each hole, only the lowest score among the team members is recorded as the team’s score for that hole. This format emphasizes individual performance while still requiring teamwork and strategy to excel.

    Best Practices for Best Ball:

    1. Choose Your Team Wisely: Consider the strengths of each player when forming teams. Having a mix of long hitters, accurate iron players, and confident putters will boost your chances of success.

    2. Strategize Off the Tee: For this format, you don’t need every player to play aggressively off the tee. Encourage the more consistent drivers to play it safe and keep the ball in play.

    3. Focus on Consistency: Consistency is key in Best Ball. Aim for fairways and greens to give your team the best chance of recording low scores on each hole.

    4. Positive Communication: Keep the team spirit high with positive communication. Support and encourage your teammates, especially when things don’t go as planned.

    Scramble: Creativity and Collaboration

    In a Scramble, all players tee off, and then the team chooses the best shot among them. From that spot, all players hit their next shots, and the process continues until the ball is holed. This format fosters creativity, teamwork, and camaraderie as players work together to strategize each shot.

    Best Practices for Scramble:

    1. Select the Best Shot: Choosing the best shot is crucial. Analyze each shot carefully and involve all team members in the decision-making process.

    2. Strategic Order of Play: Plan the order in which players will hit their shots. It’s advantageous to have a player who can consistently get the ball in play tee off first, followed by others who can take more risks.

    3. Short Game Proficiency: Short game skills are vital in a Scramble. Having players who can chip and putt effectively will help save strokes and lower your team’s score.

    4. Experiment and Have Fun: Don’t be afraid to try unconventional shots. Scrambles are all about having fun, so let creativity flourish.

    Tips and Tricks for an Unforgettable Golf Outing:

    1. Preparation is Key: Ensure everyone is aware of the format and rules beforehand to save time on the day and prevent confusion.

    2. Create a Fun Atmosphere: Incorporate friendly competitions, such as longest drive or closest-to-the-pin challenges, to keep the excitement high.

    3. Dress Up or Theme Days: Add a little extra fun by setting a dress code or a theme for the outing. Hawaiian shirts, anyone?

    4. Post-Round Celebration: End the day on a high note with a celebration at the clubhouse. Share stories, laughter, and maybe even a prize-giving ceremony.

    5. Photographic Memories: Capture the moments with photos and videos. Share them afterward to cherish the memories.

    In conclusion, both Best Ball and Scramble offer unique experiences on the golf course. Best Ball emphasizes individual skill and teamwork, while Scramble encourages creativity and collaboration. Whichever format you choose, remember that the most important aspect is the fun and enjoyment you share with your friends. So, grab your clubs, tee it up, and make your next golf outing a day to remember!

  • Top 5 Golf Drivers for 2023: Enhance Your Game with Positive Energy

    Top 5 Golf Drivers for 2023: Enhance Your Game with Positive Energy

    Welcome back, golf enthusiasts! The new year has brought with it a fresh set of golfing gear, and if you’re a mid to high handicap player looking to take your game to the next level, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll be diving into the top 5 golf drivers for 2023, handpicked with you in mind. Positive Energy Golf is excited to present these cutting-edge drivers that are designed to provide forgiveness, distance, and consistency, helping you unlock your true potential on the course.

    1. TaylorMade SIM2 Max – Unleash Your Power

    The TaylorMade SIM2 Max driver is a true powerhouse engineered to maximize distance and forgiveness. Its revolutionary Forged Ring Construction optimizes ball speed across the entire face, rewarding off-center hits with impressive results. The SIM2 Max also features a rear weight to enhance stability and promote a high launch, providing effortless distance. For mid to high handicap players seeking ultimate performance, the TaylorMade SIM2 Max is a game-changer.

    2. Titleist TSi2 – Forgiving and Versatile

    Titleist is a legendary name in golf, and the TSi2 driver continues to uphold their tradition of excellence. Engineered for forgiveness and versatility, the TSi2 employs a Variable Face Thickness design that ensures consistent ball speed on mishits. The Active Recoil Channel helps reduce spin, delivering a penetrating ball flight. With its adjustable SureFit hosel, the Titleist TSi2 empowers players to fine-tune their launch and shot shape, making it a perfect choice for golfers looking to refine their performance.

    3. Cobra RAD Speed XB – Turbocharge Your Game

    Cobra Golf’s RAD Speed XB driver is a top pick for golfers seeking explosive distance and maximum forgiveness. The driver’s Radial Weighting technology optimizes the center of gravity, resulting in exceptional stability and increased ball speed. The XB model (Xtreme Back) offers a draw-biased design, helping players eliminate slices and promote a straighter flight. For golfers who want to turbocharge their game and make every drive count, the Cobra RAD Speed XB is a must-try.

    4. Mizuno ST-Z – A Forgiveness Marvel

    Mizuno is renowned for its precision craftsmanship, and the ST-Z driver is a testament to their dedication to performance. The ST-Z features a balanced and compact profile, combining low spin with high forgiveness. Its forged SAT2041 Beta Ti face promotes incredible ball speed across the face, ensuring your mis-hits still go far and straight. For mid to high handicap players seeking a driver that marries distance and forgiveness with a touch of elegance, the Mizuno ST-Z is a stellar choice.

    5. PING G425 SFT – Effortless Swing, Impressive Results

    Completing our top 5 list is the PING G425 SFT driver, a go-to option for effortless swings and remarkable results. The SFT (Straight Flight Technology) model is designed with a draw-biased shape, reducing slices and promoting a straighter flight path. The driver’s lightweight Dragonfly technology optimizes weight distribution, resulting in higher forgiveness and added stability. If you’re a mid to high handicap golfer who values consistency and wants to simplify your game, the PING G425 SFT has got you covered.

    There you have it – the top 5 golf drivers for 2023, meticulously selected to cater to the needs of mid to high handicap players. Positive Energy Golf understands that finding the perfect driver can significantly impact your game, and these drivers are poised to elevate your performance to new heights.

    Remember, while having the latest and greatest driver is exciting, proper fitting and regular practice are essential for maximizing your potential. Visit your local pro shop or golf store for a custom fitting to find the driver that complements your swing and playstyle.

    So, gear up with positive energy and embrace the potential of these fantastic drivers. The fairways await, and your best rounds are just a few drives away! Happy golfing!

  • Choosing the Perfect Gap Wedge for Your Golf Bag: Unleashing the Power of Positive Energy Golf

    Choosing the Perfect Gap Wedge for Your Golf Bag: Unleashing the Power of Positive Energy Golf

    Welcome to Positive Energy Golf! Today, we’ll explore a crucial aspect of improving your short game – selecting the right gap wedge for your golf bag. Whether you’re fine-tuning your approach shots or mastering those delicate chips around the green, having the right gap wedge can significantly impact your performance. Join us as we delve into the world of gap wedges, angles, degrees, and how to make the most out of your shots with the ideal bounce.

    Understanding Gap Wedges

    A gap wedge, often denoted as “GW” or “W,” fills the yardage gap between your pitching wedge and sand wedge. Typically, it has a loft angle ranging from 50 to 54 degrees. The gap wedge is a versatile club that allows golfers to execute shots with precision and control. When choosing a gap wedge, consider factors like your swing speed, ball flight, and the conditions you most frequently encounter on the course.

    Different Loft Angles and Their Uses

    1. 50-Degree Gap Wedge:

       – Approach Shots: The 50-degree gap wedge is an excellent choice for approach shots from distances of 100 to 125 yards. Its lower loft angle provides a more penetrating trajectory, making it suitable for handling windy conditions and avoiding obstacles like trees.

       – Chipping: Around the green, the 50-degree wedge can be useful for bump-and-run shots, where you want the ball to roll more after landing. It requires a bit more precision and practice, but it can be a valuable addition to your short game arsenal.

    2. 52-Degree Gap Wedge:

       – Approach Shots: This wedge is a great all-around option, allowing you to cover distances of 90 to 110 yards with ease. Its loft strikes a balance between height and distance, giving you more versatility on approach shots.

       – Chipping: When chipping, the 52-degree wedge provides a good compromise between loft and roll. It’s ideal for shots that need to clear a short obstacle before rolling out to the hole.

    3. 54-Degree Gap Wedge:

       – Approach Shots: The 54-degree gap wedge is excellent for shots within the 80 to 100-yard range. Its higher loft allows you to stop the ball quicker on the green, making it perfect for attacking tight pin positions.

       – Chipping: Around the greens, this wedge is highly effective for flop shots and high lobs. It helps you carry the ball over hazards or rough and have it land softly on the green with minimal roll.

    Understanding Bounce

    Bounce refers to the angle between the leading edge and the sole of the club. Gap wedges come in various bounce options, such as low, standard, and high bounce.

    – Low Bounce (4-6 degrees): Suitable for players with shallow angles of attack and firmer turf conditions. It works well for players who tend to pick the ball off the surface and require less forgiveness in their shots.

    – Standard Bounce (8-10 degrees): Versatile for most golfers and turf conditions. It accommodates various swing styles and is a safe choice for those unsure about their ideal bounce.

    – High Bounce (12-14 degrees): Ideal for players with steeper angles of attack and soft turf conditions. It helps prevent the club from digging into the ground, making it easier to execute shots from fluffy lies or bunkers.


    Selecting the right gap wedge for your golf bag can significantly elevate your short game. Understanding the loft angles and bounce options will help you make informed choices based on your playing style and course conditions. Remember, practice is key to mastering your gap wedge and harnessing Positive Energy Golf on the course. So, go out there, experiment with different shots, and watch your approach shots and chipping skills transform for the better! Happy golfing!

  • The Top 5 Bridgestone Golf Balls: Unleash Your Game with Positive Energy Golf

    The Top 5 Bridgestone Golf Balls: Unleash Your Game with Positive Energy Golf


    When it comes to golf balls, Bridgestone has long been a trusted name in the industry, known for their commitment to innovation and performance. Whether you’re a high handicap, middle handicap, or low handicap player, choosing the right golf ball can significantly impact your game. In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 Bridgestone golf balls, their pros and cons, and recommend the best ball for each type of player based on factors such as feel, ball control, spin, and more. Let’s dive in!

      1. Bridgestone Tour B RXS:

      Pros: This golf ball offers exceptional feel and control, making it ideal for players who prioritize precision. It provides excellent greenside spin and allows for great shot shaping capabilities. The Tour B RXS offers consistent performance and optimal energy transfer upon impact.

      Cons: Due to its focus on control, players with faster swing speeds may find that the Tour B RXS lacks the desired distance.

      Recommended for: Low handicap players who prioritize feel, control, and want to optimize their short game performance.

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      2. Bridgestone e12 Soft:

      Pros: The e12 Soft is known for its impressive distance and accuracy. It provides a soft feel off the clubface while still maintaining excellent ball control. It also offers a consistent flight trajectory, helping players achieve greater consistency in their shots.

      Cons: Some players might find that it generates slightly less spin around the greens compared to other options.

      Recommended for: High handicap players looking to enhance their distance and accuracy without sacrificing a soft feel.

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      3. Bridgestone Tour B XS:

      Pros: The Tour B XS excels in delivering excellent spin and control. It provides a penetrating ball flight and offers a firmer feel, allowing players to maximize their shot-making abilities. The Tour B XS is a versatile ball that suits a wide range of playing styles.

      Cons: Some players may find its firm feel less desirable, as personal preferences for softness can vary.

      Recommended for: Middle handicap players who seek exceptional spin and control without compromising distance.

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      4. Bridgestone e6 Soft:

      Pros: The e6 Soft is designed to minimize driver spin, resulting in improved accuracy and straighter shots. It offers a soft feel and is forgiving on miss hits, allowing players to gain confidence in their game. The e6 Soft is suitable for players who prioritize consistency off the tee.

      Cons: Advanced players might feel that it lacks the necessary feel for finesse shots around the green.

      Recommended for: High handicap players looking to reduce their slice or hook off the tee while maintaining a soft feel.

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      5. Bridgestone Tour B RX:

      Pros: The Tour B RX is engineered for long distance and high ball speed. It provides a powerful launch and low spin off the driver, allowing players to achieve greater distance off the tee. This ball is ideal for players with moderate swing speeds seeking maximum distance.

      Cons: The reduced spin may make it more challenging to execute finesse shots that require greater control.

      Recommended for: Middle handicap players seeking a combination of distance and forgiveness.

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      Selecting the right golf ball can significantly impact your performance on the course. Bridgestone’s range of golf balls offers a variety of options, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

      For low handicap players, the Bridgestone Tour B RXS provides exceptional feel and control.

      High handicap players will benefit from the distance and accuracy of the Bridgestone e12 Soft.

      Middle handicap players can enhance their game with the versatile Bridgestone Tour B XS.

      Lastly, the Bridgestone e6 Soft is an excellent choice for reducing driver spin and achieving consistency off the tee. For those seeking maximum distance, the Bridgestone Tour B RX is recommended. Remember, choosing the right golf ball should be based on your individual preferences and needs. Experimentation and practice will help you find the perfect match for your game. So, unleash your positive energy on the golf course and let the right Bridgestone golf ball elevate your performance.

    • Unleash Your Best Game with Positive Energy Golf’s Top 10 Titelist Golf Balls

      Unleash Your Best Game with Positive Energy Golf’s Top 10 Titelist Golf Balls


      Welcome, golf enthusiasts, to Positive Energy Golf! Today, we’re diving into the world of golf balls and reviewing the top 10 Titelist Golf Balls to help you elevate your game to new heights. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, we’ve got the perfect ball for you. So, let’s tee off and discover which Titelist golf ball suits your playing style!

      1. Titelist Pro V1: Buy on Amazon

      The legendary Titelist Pro V1 is a go-to choice for professionals and low handicap players. Its exceptional distance, spin control, and feel make it perfect for advanced golfers seeking optimal performance on every shot. This is my go to ball as it gives me the control off the tee and around the greens that am looking for. The Pro V1 also has a nice soft feel off the putter which is very important to me when selecting a golf ball.

      2. Titelist Pro V1x: Buy on Amazon

      The Titelist Pro V1x, with its higher trajectory and lower spin, provides exceptional distance and remarkable durability. This ball is ideal for players looking for maximum control and power off the tee. This is a great ball if you love to bomb it off the tee and are okay with losing a bit of stopping power on the green.

      3. Titelist AVX: Buy on Amazon

      For players seeking a softer feel, the Titelist AVX offers outstanding distance and low long game spin. It combines exceptional control with a piercing trajectory, making it suitable for golfers with a moderate swing speed. If I am not playing a Pro V1 this is my next go to ball as it has a very similar feel to the Pro V1 at a much lower price point. I will say that I do have more control with a Pro V1 than the AVX in my opinion.

      4. Titelist Tour Soft: Buy on Amazon

      The Titelist Tour Soft strikes a perfect balance between soft feel and distance. Designed for mid-handicap players, it offers excellent control on approach shots and a responsive feel around the greens. This is a perfect all around ball, which will give you good feel off the tee box as well as around the green.

      5. Titelist Velocity: Buy on Amazon

      If you’re searching for explosive distance, the Titelist Velocity is your ball of choice. Its high-speed LSX core and spherically-tiled 328 tetrahedral dimple design deliver long carries and low spin, making it ideal for players with a slower swing speed.

      6. Titelist TruFeel: Buy on Amazon

      The Titelist TruFeel offers incredible distance, soft feel, and excellent control for golfers with a moderate swing speed. It features a low compression core and a proprietary TruTouch cover, ensuring consistent performance and enhanced short game control.

      7. Titelist Tour Soft Yellow: Buy on Amazon

      For golfers who prefer enhanced visibility on the course, the Titelist Tour Soft Yellow delivers the same exceptional performance as the standard Tour Soft ball. Its vibrant yellow color provides optimal visibility and easy tracking.

      8. Titelist DT TruSoft: Buy on Amazon

      With a super-soft compression core and a responsive ionomer cover, the Titelist DT TruSoft is an excellent choice for players looking for a forgiving ball that still provides impressive distance and control.

      9. Titelist Pro V1x Left Dash: Buy on Amazon

      The Titelist Pro V1x Left Dash is specifically designed for players with a high swing speed seeking a lower spin and a penetrating flight. It offers exceptional distance and control, making it a favorite among professional golfers. This ball is perfect for the big swingers to help not only get more distance out of your shots but will also help keep more balls on the fairway and Par 5 greens.

      10. Titelist DT Solo: Buy on Amazon

      The Titelist DT Solo is a reliable and affordable option for golfers who desire consistent distance and great feel. Its responsive ionomer cover and low compression core make it an ideal choice for mid to high handicap players.


      Choosing the right golf ball can significantly impact your game, and with Positive Energy Golf’s top 10 Titelist Golf Balls, you can find the perfect fit for your playing style. From the exceptional performance of the Pro V1 to the affordability of the DT Solo, Titelist offers a wide range of options to elevate your golfing experience. So, grab the ball that suits your skill level and get ready to unlock your full potential on the course!

    • Game On! Boost the Enjoyment of Your Golf Outing with Exciting Golf Games

      Game On! Boost the Enjoyment of Your Golf Outing with Exciting Golf Games


      Golf outings are a perfect opportunity to bond with your buddies, enjoy the great outdoors, and showcase your golfing skills. To make your next golf outing even more fun and enjoyable, consider incorporating a variety of exciting games into the mix. These games will not only add a competitive edge to the event but also create lasting memories for everyone involved, including those who rarely get the chance to play golf. In this blog post, we’ll explore different types of golf games that will enhance your golf outing experience, explain their rules, and highlight the benefits of including them in your next outing.

      1. Four-Man Scramble:

      The Four-Man Scramble is a popular game for golf outings as it encourages teamwork and camaraderie. Here’s how it works: Each team consists of four players. On each hole, all team members tee off, and then the team selects the best shot. From there, all players hit their subsequent shots from that spot. This process continues until the ball is holed. The team with the lowest score at the end of the round wins.

      The Four-Man Scramble is an ideal game for outings with mixed skill levels as it allows beginners to learn from more experienced players and participate fully in the team’s success.

      2. Two-Man Team Scramble (Cart Team vs. Cart Team):

      In this variation of the scramble, each team consists of two players. To add an extra element of competition, teams are divided into “Cart Teams.” Each Cart Team is assigned a specific hole, and throughout the round, they compete against the other Cart Teams to achieve the lowest score on their designated hole. The team with the lowest cumulative score at the end wins.

      The Two-Man Team Scramble adds a friendly rivalry between teams and injects an extra layer of excitement into the outing.

      3. Best Ball:

      Best Ball is a game that allows golfers to play their own ball throughout the round while still contributing to their team’s success. Here’s how it works: Each player plays their own ball, and at the end of each hole, the lowest score among the team members is recorded. The team with the lowest cumulative score at the end wins.

      Best Ball is an excellent choice for outings where players have varying skill levels, as it allows individuals to showcase their abilities while also providing support and encouragement to their teammates.

      4. Stableford Scoring System:

      The Stableford Scoring System is a popular game that rewards players based on their scores relative to par. Players accumulate points on each hole based on their scores: a score of par earns 2 points, a birdie earns 3 points, an eagle earns 4 points, and so on. The player with the highest number of points at the end of the round wins.

      The Stableford Scoring System adds an element of strategy to the outing, as players can choose to play aggressively for higher scores or focus on minimizing mistakes for consistent point accumulation.

      5. Alternate Shot:

      Alternate Shot is a game that requires teamwork and coordination between partners. Each team consists of two players, and they alternate shots throughout the round. For example, Player A tees off, and then Player B hits the second shot, and so on. This pattern continues until the ball is holed. The team with the lowest score at the end of the round wins.

      Alternate Shot emphasizes communication and strategy, as players must work together to optimize their shots and navigate the course effectively.

      6. Closest to the Pin:

      Closest to the Pin is a game that tests players’ accuracy on par 3 holes. The objective is to hit the ball as close to the pin as possible with your tee shot. The player with the shot closest to the pin wins the hole or earns a point.

      Closest to the Pin adds an element of excitement and friendly competition to the outing, as players strive to showcase their precision and claim victory on each par 3 hole.

      7. Longest Putt:

      Longest Putt is a game that highlights players’ putting skills. Participants compete to sink the longest putt during the round. The player who successfully sinks the longest putt wins the game.

      Adding Longest Putt to your golf outing provides an opportunity for all players, regardless of their skill level, to showcase their touch on the greens and potentially claim bragging rights as the master of the long putts.

      Other Common Golf Outing Games:

      Aside from the games mentioned above, there are several other options you can consider, such as Longest Drive, Skins, Bingo Bango Bongo, Las Vegas, Multiplier, Ringers or Eclectic, Scrambles and Shambles and Horse Race. These games bring their own unique twists and challenges, adding variety and excitement to your golf outing.

      Benefits of Incorporating Golf Outing Games:

      Including a variety of golf games in your outing offers numerous benefits for all participants:

      1. Inclusive and enjoyable: Golf outing games cater to golfers of all skill levels, ensuring that everyone can actively participate and contribute positively to their team’s performance.

      2. Fosters camaraderie and teamwork: These games encourage collaboration, communication, and strategizing among players, strengthening bonds and creating a sense of unity within teams.

      3. Adds excitement and competition: The games inject an extra level of fun and friendly competition, making the outing more engaging and memorable for everyone involved.

      4. Reduces pressure and enhances enjoyment: By shifting the focus from individual performance to team-based or specific challenges, players can relax, have fun, and enjoy the game, even if they rarely get the chance to play.


      Incorporating a variety of golf games into your next outing is a fantastic way to elevate the overall experience and ensure that everyone, regardless of their skill level, has a great time. Games like the Four-Man Scramble, Two-Man Team Scramble, Best Ball, Stableford Scoring System, Alternate Shot, Closest to the Pin, and Longest Putt add an exciting and competitive element to the outing while fostering camaraderie and team spirit. So, gather your buddies, hit the greens, and embark on a golf outing filled with laughter, friendly competition, and positive energy.